

Listing Validation Policy

1. Introduction
At Afrihuts we are committed to providing a trustworthy and reliable platform for real estate listings. To ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of property listings, we implement a Listing Validation Policy. This policy outlines the procedures and rights of afrihuts to validate and verify the information provided by Property owners.
2. Purpose
The purpose of the Listing Validation Policy is to:
a. Protect the integrity of our platform by preventing fraudulent or misleading property listings.
b. Enhance the user experience by promoting accurate and up-to-date property information.
c. Safeguard the interests of both Property owners and potential buyers or tenants.
3. Listing Validation Process
a. Initial Verification: When a property listing is submitted to Afrihuts it will undergo an initial verification process. During this phase, our team will review the listing to ensure it meets the minimum requirements for publication, including accurate property details, relevant images, and compliance with our content guidelines.
b. Contact Verification: To maintain the authenticity of listings, Afrihuts reserves the right to conduct contact verification. This may involve reaching out to the Property owner to confirm their identity and ownership of the property. Failure to comply with the contact verification process may result in the listing being temporarily suspended or removed from the platform.
c. Documentation Review: In certain cases, Afrihuts may request additional documentation to verify the legitimacy of a property listing. This may include ownership documents, permits, or licenses. Property owners are obligated to cooperate and provide the requested documents within a reasonable timeframe.
d. On-Site Inspection: Afrihuts may, at its discretion, conduct on-site inspections of properties to validate the accuracy of the listing details. Property owners will be informed in advance if an on-site inspection is scheduled.
4. User Cooperation
a. Property owners are required to provide accurate and complete information when creating property listings on Afrihuts. Any attempt to mislead or deceive potential buyers or tenants will be considered a violation of our policies and may result in the removal of the listing and/or the suspension of the Property owner's account.
b. Property owners must promptly respond to any verification requests from Afrihuts. Failure to cooperate during the validation process may lead to the removal of the listing.
5. Listing Publication and Duration
a. Once a property listing passes the validation process, it will be published on Afrihuts. The listing's publication duration will depend on the subscription plan or other arrangements made with the Property owner.
6. Suspension or Removal of Listings
a. Listings that are found to be in violation of our Listing Validation Policy or any other Afrihuts policies may be suspended or removed from the platform without prior notice.
7. Policy Updates
a. Afrihuts reserves the right to update and modify the Listing Validation Policy at any time. Users will be notified of any policy changes through our website or other communication channels.
By using Afrihuts, Property owners agree to comply with this Listing Validation Policy. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in appropriate actions, including account suspension or termination.

Listings Quality Policy

1. Introduction
At Afrihuts, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional user experience for property seekers and Propery owners alike. To ensure the highest standard of listings and maintain the integrity of our platform, we have implemented a Quality Listings Policy. This policy outlines the criteria and guidelines for creating and maintaining quality property listings on Afrihuts.

2. Purpose
The purpose of the Quality Listings Policy is to:
a. Encourage Propery owners to provide accurate, detailed, and up-to-date information about their properties.
b. Promote transparency and trust among our user community by offering comprehensive property listings.
c. Enhance the overall user experience and help property seekers make informed decisions.
3. Listing Content and Requirements
a. Accurate Information: Propery owners must provide precise and truthful details about their properties, including location, size, amenities, and condition. Misleading or false information is strictly prohibited.
b. High-Quality Images: Listings should include high-resolution images that accurately represent the property. Blurry, distorted, or irrelevant images will not be accepted.
c. Complete Property Description: Property owners are encouraged to provide a comprehensive description of the property, highlighting its unique features and characteristics.
d. Amenities and Features: Include a clear list of amenities and features available to residents or buyers. This could include parking, swimming pools, security systems, etc.
e. Contact Information: Property owners should provide valid and accessible contact information so potential buyers or tenants can reach them easily.
4. Listing Updates
a. Timely Updates: Propery owners must keep their listings up-to-date. If there are any changes to the property's status, availability, or price, it should be promptly reflected in the listing.
b. Sold or Rented Properties: Once a property is sold or rented, Property owners should mark the listing as "Sold" or "Rented" on the platform to avoid any inconvenience for property seekers.
5. Review and Monitoring
a. Listing Review: Our team at Afrihuts will review listings periodically to ensure they meet the Quality Listings Policy criteria.
b. Quality Assurance: We may contact Propery owners to verify information or request additional details to ensure compliance with our policy.
6. Guest Obligations
a. Thorough Review: Guests are encouraged to carefully review the property listing, including the description, amenities, and any available images, before making a reservation. This helps guests make an informed decision based on their preferences and requirements.
b. Communication: If guests have specific questions or concerns about the property, they should communicate with the host before confirming the reservation.
7. Non-Compliance
a. Warning and Correction: If a listing is found to be non-compliant with the Quality Listings Policy, the Property owner will receive a warning and be given an opportunity to make the necessary corrections.
b. Listing Removal: In severe cases of repeated non-compliance or providing intentionally misleading information, Afrihuts reserves the right to remove the listing from the platform.
7. User Cooperation
a. We expect all Propery owners to fully cooperate with the Quality Listings Policy and respond promptly to any inquiries or verification requests made by Afrihuts.
8. Policy Updates
a. Afrihuts may update and modify the Quality Listings Policy as needed. Users will be informed of any policy changes through our website or other communication channels.
By listing properties on Afrihuts, Propery owners agree to comply with the Quality Listings Policy. Our goal is to maintain a platform of high-quality listings that benefit both property seekers and Property owners.

Cancellation and Refunds Policy

1. Introduction
At Afrihuts, we strive to provide transparent and fair policies for both Property owners and seekers. This Cancellation and Refunds Policy is designed to outline the guidelines and procedures related to cancellations and refunds for property reservations made through our platform. We understand that unexpected circumstances may arise, and this policy aims to address such situations in a clear and equitable manner.
2. Cancellation Policy for Guests
a. Refundable and Non-Refundable Bookings: Property listings on Afrihuts may offer different cancellation policies. The specific cancellation policy for each property will be clearly stated on the property listing page. Guests should review the cancellation policy before making a reservation.
b. Grace Period for Refundable Bookings: For reservations made under a refundable cancellation policy, guests may be entitled to a full refund if they cancel within a specified grace period. The grace period will be determined by the host and clearly indicated on the property listing.
c. Refunds for Partial Stays: If a guest decides to shorten their stay after checking in, the host's cancellation policy will determine whether the guest is eligible for a partial refund.
d. Extenuating Circumstances: In exceptional cases, such as unforeseen emergencies or natural disasters, Afrihuts may consider extenuating circumstances when evaluating cancellation requests. Guests must provide appropriate documentation to support their claim.
2.1 Arrival Date Refunds
a. Disliked Conditions: In the rare event that a guest arrives at the property and finds conditions that significantly differ from what was described in the listing, Afrihuts may consider a refund for the remaining nights of the reservation. The guest must contact our customer support team and provide evidence of the discrepancies.
b. Unmet Standards: If a guest feels that the property does not meet the standards mentioned in the listing, and the host is unable to address the issues satisfactorily, Afrihuts may, at its discretion, facilitate a refund for the remaining nights of the reservation.
c. Required Evidence: To initiate a refund request, the guest must provide clear evidence, such as photographs or documentation, showing the conditions that do not align with the listing's description.
5. Investigation and Resolution
a. Investigation: Afrihuts will thoroughly investigate any refund request based on disliked conditions or unmet standards. This may involve communicating with the host and reviewing the property listing and supporting evidence provided by the guest.
b. Fair Resolution: Afrihuts will strive to reach a fair resolution for both the guest and the host based on the findings of the investigation.
2.1.2 Policy Limitations
a. Limited Refund Window: Refund requests under this policy must be made on the arrival date or within 24 hours after check-in. Any requests received after this timeframe may not be eligible for consideration.
b. Subjective Preferences: Refund requests based on subjective preferences or differences in personal taste will not be eligible under this policy. Afrihuts aims to address issues related to misrepresented conditions or unmet standards only.
3. Cancellation Policy for Hosts
a. Listing Availability: Hosts are expected to keep their listings up-to-date regarding availability. If a host needs to cancel a confirmed reservation due to unforeseen circumstances or property unavailability, they should do so promptly and inform the guest immediately.
b. Penalties for Host Cancellations: Hosts who cancel confirmed reservations may be subject to penalties and additional fees, depending on the host's cancellation history and the timing of the cancellation. Afrihuts will review each case individually.
4. Refund Processing
a. Refund Timelines: Refunds, if applicable, will be processed within a reasonable timeframe after the cancellation is confirmed. The actual time it takes for the funds to be returned to the guest's account may vary depending on the payment method and financial institution.
b. Currency and Payment Method: Refunds will typically be issued in the same currency and through the same payment method used for the original reservation. Afrihuts is not responsible for any fluctuations in currency exchange rates or fees imposed by financial institutions.
5. Policy Updates
a. Afrihuts may update and modify the Cancellation and Refunds Policy as necessary. Users will be informed of any policy changes through our website or other communication channels.
By using Afrihuts, both guests and hosts agree to comply with the Cancellation and Refunds Policy. It is essential for all users to understand the cancellation policy associated with each reservation to make informed decisions.
6. Retention of Commission by Afrihuts
a. Commission Policy: Afrihuts charges a commission fee for facilitating successful property transactions through the platform. In certain cases, Afrihuts may retain its commission under the following circumstances:
b. Completed Transactions: Afrihuts will retain its commission for completed transactions when a property seeker and a property owner agree on the terms of the reservation, and the guest completes their stay or rental period as planned.
c. Host Cancellation Violation: If a host cancels a confirmed reservation without valid extenuating circumstances, and it is not possible to find an alternative accommodation for the guest, Afrihuts reserves the right to retain its commission.
d. Guest Cancellation Violation: In the event that a guest cancels a confirmed reservation in violation of the host's cancellation policy, Afrihuts may retain its commission.
e. False Information: If Afrihuts discovers that either the guest or host provided false or misleading information related to a transaction, Afrihuts may retain its commission.
f. Fraudulent Activities: In cases of fraudulent activities or attempts to manipulate the platform or deceive other users, Afrihuts may retain its commission.
g. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute between a guest and host that is resolved by Afrihuts, the decision of Afrihuts may include the retention of commission if deemed appropriate.
h. Cancellation Due to Extenuating Circumstances: If a cancellation is made due to genuine extenuating circumstances as determined by Afrihuts, the commission fee may be waived, partially refunded, or retained, depending on the specific circumstances of the case.
i. Cancellation Fees: In cases where a host's cancellation policy allows for a partial or no refund, Afrihuts may retain its commission based on the agreed-upon cancellation policy.
j. Non-Payment of Fees: Failure to pay any applicable fees or charges owed to Afrihuts by users may result in the retention of commission until the outstanding amounts are settled.
7. User Acknowledgment
By using Afrihuts, users acknowledge and agree that Afrihuts may retain its commission in the circumstances mentioned above. The retention of commission is designed to protect the integrity of the platform and encourage fair and responsible behavior among users.
8. Policy Updates
a. Afrihuts may update and modify the Commission and Retention Policy as needed. Users will be informed of any policy changes through our website or other communication channels.
By using Afrihuts, users agree to comply with the Commission and Retention Policy as outlined above.

Payment Policy

1. Introduction
This Payment Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for making and receiving payments on Afrihuts. The policy is designed to ensure a secure and seamless payment process for all users, including property seekers and owners. By using Afrihuts, users agree to comply with this Payment Policy.
2. Payment Methods
a. Accepted Payment Methods: Afrihuts supports various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, electronic fund transfers, and other secure online payment options. The available payment methods will be presented to users during the booking or listing process.
b. Third-Party Payment Processors: Afrihuts may use third-party payment processors to handle transactions securely. Users may be required to agree to the terms and conditions of the chosen payment processor.
3. Transaction Fees and Commissions
a. Transaction Fees: Afrihuts may charge transaction fees for facilitating property reservations and transactions. The applicable fees will be clearly communicated to users before they confirm a booking or listing.
b. Commission: Afrihuts charges a commission fee for successful transactions completed through the platform. The commission percentage will be specified in the listing agreement or reservation details.
4. Booking Payments
a. Guest Payments: Guests are required to make the full payment for a property reservation at the time of booking, unless the chosen property's cancellation policy allows for a deposit and subsequent payments.
b. Deposit and Payment Schedules: In certain cases, Afrihuts may allow hosts to set up payment schedules, such as a deposit followed by partial or full payments before the reservation date. The agreed-upon payment schedule will be clearly indicated to the guest during the booking process.
c. Payment Security: Afrihuts takes data security seriously and uses industry-standard encryption to protect users' payment information. However, users should also exercise caution and ensure they are using a secure internet connection when making payments.
5. Refunds
a. Refund Policy: Refunds for property reservations will be governed by the cancellation policy chosen by the host and agreed upon by the guest at the time of booking. Guests should review the cancellation policy before confirming their reservation.
b. Refund Processing: If a refund is applicable according to the cancellation policy, Afrihuts will process the refund in a timely manner using the same payment method used for the original transaction.
6. Dispute Resolution
a. Payment Disputes: In the event of a payment-related dispute, users should promptly contact Afrihuts customer support to seek resolution.
7. Policy Updates
a. Afrihuts may update and modify the Payment Policy as needed. Users will be informed of any policy changes through our website or other communication channels.
By using Afrihuts, users agree to comply with the Payment Policy as outlined above.
For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our support team at Support@afrihuts.com